Ont collaboré à l’organisation des Ières Journées Scientifiques de la SMAMM simultanément avec le 6ème Congrès Arabe de la Chimiothérapie Anti-inféctieuse
Première Journée Scientifique de la SMAMM et
6ème Congrès Arabe de la Chimiothérapie Anti-inféctieuse
16 - 18DAY 1 - Bon usage des antibiotiques en médecine communautaire
16h00-17h00 Accueil des participants et inscription / Registration
17h00-17h30 Inauguration / Opening ceremony
Présidence :
Pr. T. Chkili (Président de l’Université Mohammed V Souissi- Rabat)
Pr. M.T. Alaoui (Président du Conseil de l’Ordre National des Médecins)
Pr. N. Hajjaj (Doyen de la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Rabat)
Pr. M. C. Chefchaouni (Directeur du CHU Ibn Sina Rabat – Salé)
Pr. M.A. Hassani (Directeur de l’Hôpital Universitaire Internationale Cheikh Zaid)
17:30-18:30 Pharmaco-économie des traitements antibiotiques. Pr. JJ. Zambrowski (France)
18:30-19:00 Visite des stands / Stand’s visit
19:00-18:00 Cocktail dinatoire / Welcome cocktail
DAY 2 - Contrôle des infections nosocomiales
08:00-10:00 Conférences thématiques / Thematic conferences :
Moderators : Pr. M. Adnaoui, Pr. A.Shehabi & Pr. A. Guedira
08h30-08h45 Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the community: Epidemiology and management. Pr. W. Abuhammour (USA)
08h45-09h00 Community acquired necrotizing pneumonia due to methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leucocidinepositive in Algiers, Algeria. Pr. N. Ramdani-Bouguessa (Algerie)
09h00-09h15 Antibiotic susceptibility of pathogens isolated from patients with community acquired respiratory tract infection in Morocco. Pr. A. Benouda (Maroc)
09h15-09h30 Trends of antimicrobial susceptibility and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae in a Moroccan University Hospital. Pr. N. Elmdaghri (Maroc)
09h30-09h45 Resistance patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to antituberculosis drugs : a six years experience in Alaa. Pr. A. Hadhoud (Egypte)
09h45-10h00: Discussion
10h00- 10h15 Pause café et lecture des posters / Coffee break & Exhibition poster viewing
10h15-12h15 Conférences thématiques / Thematic conferences :
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. M. Zouhdi, Pr. H. Harmouche & Pr. R. Darwich
10h15-10h30 Resistance of Listeria monocytogenes isolates to antimicrobials in dairy based lebanese foods.
Pr. S. Harakeh (USA)
10h30-10h40 Antibiorésistance des Salmonella enterica d’origine alimentaire : Enjeux de santé publique et alternative thérapeutique. Dr. N. Ameur (Maroc)
10h40-10h50 Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella among dairy farms in Al-Dhulail Valley, Jordan and their antibiotic resistance patterns. Pr. Y. Al-Tarazi (Jordanie)
10h50-11h05 Evolution of drug resistance to E.coli in poultry farms in Morocco. Pr. M. El Houadfi (Maroc)
11h05-11h15: Discussion
11h15-11h30 A multi-target approch for developement of a successful vaccine to combat infections caused by S. aureus : No magic bullet. Pr. Ali I. Fattom (USA)
11h30-11h40 Staphylococcus aureus small colony variants: rate of MIC values compared to wild-type strains using ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, oxacillin, rifampicin and vancomycin. Pr. Nahed Al Laham (Palestine)
11h40-11h50 Streptococcus pneumoniae infections among pediatric outpatients in Jordan. Dr. Adnan. Al-Lahham (Jordanie)
11h50-12h05 État actuel et évolution de l’utilisation des antibiotiques. Pr. J. Taoufik (Maroc)
12h05-12h15: Discussion
11h15-12h15 > Communications orales/ Short communications
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. R.Abouqal, Pr. N. Elmdaghri & Pr. W. Mouafy
11h15-11h25 Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Urinary Tract Isolates from
Outpatients in Sirte, Libya during the Period, 2002 – 2005. Dr. Shaban R. Bagar (Libye)
11h25-11h35 Isolation and antibiotic susceptibility of Salmonella and Shigella
strains isolated from children in Gaza, Palestine from 1999 to 2006. Dr. Farid H. Abu Elamreen (Palestine)
11h35-11h45 Place de Streptococcus pyogenes dans les angines au Maroc
et état actuel de sa sensibilité aux antibiotiques. Dr. Y. Ziane (Maroc)
11h45-11h55 EtIologies et état de sensibilité des germes responsables de BPCO communautaires : Etude prospective de 226 cas. Pr. M. Lahsoune (Maroc)
11h55-12h05 Antibiothérapie dans les infections ORL sévères. Pr. R. Bencheikh (Maroc)
12h05-12h15: Discussion
15h00-16h45 Conférences thématiques / Thematic conferences:
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. A. Zeggwagh, Pr. A. Azzouzi & Pr F. Amer
15h00-15h15 Retrospective study of common infections in surgical wards at Cairo University Hospitals.
Pr. G. Moustapha (Egypte)
15h15-15h30 Surveillance and control of nosocomial infections: how to stop an
Acinetobacter epidemic. Pr. Ghassan M. Matar (Liban)
15h30-15h45 Recurrent meningitis and nosocomial meningitis: A study of 176
and 42 cases. Pr. AL-Abbasi Abd Ridha M. (Iraq)
15h45-16h00 Clostridium difficile : Disease and antimicrobial resistance. Pr. Assem A. shehabi (Jordanie)
<16h00-16h15 Detection of toxin A and B Toxin Genes of Clostridium difficile causing
nosocomial diarrhea. Pr. W. Mowafy (Egypte)
16h15-16h30 Role of the microbiology laboratory in infection control. Pr. M. Benbachir (Maroc)
16h30-16h45: Discussion
16h45-17h00 Pause café et lecture des posters / Coffee break & Exhibition poster viewing
17h00-19h00 Communications orales / Short communications :
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. W. Maazouzi, Pr. M. Lyagoubi & Dr. N. Al-Laham
17h00-17h10 The Candida albicans Ddr48 protein is essential for filamentation, stress reponse and confers partial antifungal drug resistance. Pr. Roy A. Khalaf (Liban)
17h10-17h20 Fungicidal effect of some derivatives of 2-ferrocenyl benzimidazoles:
A possible template for antifungal drug design.Pr K.H. Abu Elteen (Jordanie)
17h20-17h30Anti-candidal effect of Ocimum basilicum L. essential oil on
clinical Candida Spp. isolated from blood strain infections at Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza. Dr. E. Abu El Kheir (Palestine)
17h30-17h40 Identification and in vitro susceptibility testing of Candida dudliniensis. Dr. Heba A. Mohtady (Egypt)
17h40-17h50 Discussion
17h50-18h00 Surveillance of antibiotic use in Al Assad University Hospital. Pr. M. Krawi (Syrie)
18h00-18h10 Les infections nosocomiales au Liban Nord. Germes en causes
et sensibilité aux antibiotiques. Pr. M. Hamze (Liban)
18h10-18h25 Molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacte riaceae in Lebanon. Pr. Ghassan M. Matar (Liban)
18h25-18h40 Therapeutic management of septicemia in neutropenic patients. Pr. A. Quessar (Maroc)
18h40-19h00: Discussion
17h00-19h00 Communications orales/ Short communications :
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. S. Elhamzaoui , Pr. Bakri & Pr. G. Moustafa
17h00-17h10 Antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from various clinical specimens in Ibn Sina Hospital – Sirte- Libye. Pr. Abdellah I.S. Abdellah (Libye)
17h10-17h20 Entérobactéries productrices de bêta-lactamase à spectre étendu : Epidémiologie et prévalence dans un service hospitalouniversitaire. Pr. A. Lahlou (Maroc)
17h20-17h30 Antibiotic resistance in Libya : 1970-2007. Pr. Khalifa S. Ghenghesh (Libye)
17h30-17h40 Antibacterial activity of jordanian propolis and three promising constituents on resistant and standard strains of Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli . Pr. R. Darwish (Jordanie)
17h40-17h55: Discussion
17h55-18h05 Etude des facteurs de risque d’infection à Staphylococcus aureus
résistant à la méthicilline au CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. Pr. K. Zerouali (Maroc)
18h05-18h15 Evolution des résistances des Staphylococcus aureus au CHU Ibn
Rochd de Casablanca de 2003 à 2008. Dr. C. Lhamiani (Maroc)
18h15-18h25 A1-333, complexe de glycéride isolé à partir de Streptomyces sp.
Dr. S. Lemriss (Maroc)
18h25- 18h35 Comparaison of a PCR and conventional microbiologic methods
in assessing the prevalence rate of methicillin resistance among hospital acquired Staphylococcus aureus in the main hospitals in Sana’a. Pr. Hassan A. Al-Shamahy (Yémen)
18h35- 18h45 Glycopeptides : Current status and novel agents with improved
antibacterial activity. Pr. Iman R.M. Abdel Aal (Egypte)
18h45-19h00; Discussion
DAY 3 - Problèmes particuliers des germes spécifiques et infections virales
08h30-09h45 Conférences thématiques / Thematic conferences:
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. H. Ismaili, Pr. M. Matar & Pr. A. M. Al-Abbassi
08h30-08h45 Helicobacter pylori : Clinical importance and antibiotic resistance. Pr. F. Amer ( Egypte)
08h45-09h00 Cervicitis : Detection of Chlamydia and other bacteria and their
antibiogram profil. Pr. Zainalabideen A. Abdulla (Iraq)
09h00-09h15 Dentistry’s contribution to the problem of antibiotic resistance and methodes to minimise this problem. Pr. Najla S. Dar-Odeh (Jordanie)
09h15-09h30 Biofilm associated infections : Control versus resistance. Pr. A. G. Bakri (Jordanie)
09h30-09h45: Discussion
09h45-11h00 Conférences thématiques / Thematic conferences:
Modérateurs / Chairpersons : Pr. S. Mrani, Pr. N. Kanouni & Pr. A. A. Zainalababideen
09h45-10h00 Prevention of mother to child transmission in HIV in a low prevalence country: the ESTHER PMTCT pilot study in Rabat. Pr. M. Adnaoui (Maroc)
10h00-10h15 Impact of a psycho-educative intervention on adherence to haart among low literacy patients in a resource limited setting : the case of an arab country. Pr. H. Harmouche (Maroc)
10h15-10h30 Neuraminidase inhibitors for treatment of influenza.Pr. G.Hashem (Egypte)
10h30-10h45Trial of lamivudine in hepatitis B surface antigen carriers with
persistance of hepatitis B core IgM marker. Pr. Husham Y. M. Ali (Iraq)
10h45-11h00: Discussion
11h00- 11h15 Pause café et lecture des posters / Coffee break & Exhibition poster viewing
11h15-11h45 Rôle du laboratoire dans le diagnostic des hépatites virales B et C.
Pr. S. Mrani (Maroc)
11h45-12h15 Managment of chronic viral hepatitis C. Pr. M. Benazzouz (Maroc)
12h15-12h30: Discussion
12h30-14h00 Déjeuner / Lunch
14h00-14h30 Cérémonie de clôture et recommandations / Closing Ceremony and recommendations
15h00-18h00 Visite de la ville de Rabat / Visit of Rabat city
Comité d’organisation
Organising committee
Amina Benouda, Adbelghafour Guedira, Mohammed Adnaoui, Mimoune Zouhdi, Mustapha Elouennass, Tahar Bajjou, Mustapha Mahmoud, Said Zouhair; Youssef Ziane, Mohamed Reda Tagajdid, Dallal Jeddi, Wissale Ouriemchi, Leila Boumhil, Kanza Dahani
Comité Scientique de l’ArAPUA
Scientific committee of ArAPUA
Fatma Amer, Asem A Shehabi, Abed M El Abbassi, Amina Benouda, Salah Shehada, Ghassan Matar, J.F. Araj, Zainalababideen A. Abdulla, Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq, Nadjia Ramdani, Amel Bakri, Najla Dar-Odeh, Ahmed Ashraf Wagdan
Nos Sponsors